(213) 713-8899 [email protected]

We're providing special restoration services for those affected by the recent fires. Learn about our restoration process

Restore your property after fire damage

Young Kim Paint provides specialized restoration services to help you recover what matters most. Our team uses advanced oil-based primers and techniques designed to eliminate smoke damage, remove odors and restore your property to its pre-damage condition.

We utilize premium alkyd oil-based primers that:

  • Permanently seal in smoke odors so they never return
  • Block stubborn smoke stains and soot from bleeding through
  • Create a powerful barrier against future staining


Young Kim Paint has been providing the Los Angeles, Orange and Venture Counties with the highest quality, most trusted and best priced painting services since 1981. We get the job done right the first time, every time.
State License #482417


(213) 713-8899
(818) 507-7840